According to findings from the 2020 #Dementia in India report, there are approximately 5.3 million elderly people in India living with dementia and this figure is anticipated to climb to 14 million by 2050. Recently, Professor Jinkook Lee and her associates conducted a study revealing that dementia affects 7.4% of adults aged 60 and above in India, implying that approximately 8.8 million Indians are presently dealing with dementia. This surpasses the earlier estimate of 5.3 million found in the Dementia in India 2020 Report.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that impacts the brain, resulting in memory loss, cognitive deterioration, shifts in behavior, difficulties with verbal and written communication, impaired judgment, alterations in mood and personality and confusion regarding time and place.  

World Alzheimer's Day is observed annually on September 21st, serves as a global platform to educate, to support those affected by dementia, and advocate for increased research and better care for individuals living with #Alzheimer's.  Alzheimer's disease is progressive, meaning it worsens over time. Individuals with Alzheimer's often struggle with verbal communication. They may have difficulty finding the right words, repeating themselves or becoming easily frustrated when they can't express themselves. This makes effective communication a challenge. Also, there is still a significant stigma surrounding Alzheimer's and dementia. People with the condition and their caregivers may face discrimination or lack of understanding from others. Plus, Alzheimer's care can be expensive. Medications, home modifications and long-term care facilities can strain family finances.

Timely diagnosis is crucial for managing Alzheimer's disease. Early detection allows for interventions and treatments that may help slow down the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer's. There are medications approved by regulatory agencies like the #FDA (e.g., cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine) that can help manage cognitive symptoms and behavioral changes associated with Alzheimer's disease. Also, it is very important to provide a supportive and structured environment for individuals with Alzheimer's to enhance the quality of their lives.

There is a lot of research ongoing to discover new treatments and interventions for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a progressive neurodegenerative condition so slowing its progression and improving the quality of life for those affected are very essential.

It's essential to note that while there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease at present, the ongoing research and advancements in neuroscience offer hope for a brighter future. Efforts to understand the underlying causes, develop effective treatments, and improve early detection are underway. We must also advocate for continued funding and research to ultimately find a cure and alleviate the suffering caused by this relentless disease.

Picture Credit: Freepik


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